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Building Capacities for Youth to Fully Seize the Green Oppo

Building Capacities for Youth to Fully Seize the Green Oppo


Building Capacities for Youth to Fully Seize the Green Opportunities of the Energy Transition: the session will be a follow-up of the event that took place at the 5th Capacity-Building Hub at COP28, to continue enhancing the discussion on the need to build capacities and skills for green jobs for youth so they fully seize the opportunities of the green transition. The idea is to have an open discussion with as many interventions as possible, from youth representatives, organizations, the private sector, and others, to build constructive feedback and support a stable and solutions-oriented dialogue.

SFP-1-7-540x343 Building Capacities for Youth to Fully Seize the Green Oppo

Objective: Capacity-building
Organizer: UNFCCC
Attendance Type: Virtual event
Country: Edinburgh, UK
Conference Date: 30 Sep. 2024
Conference time: 14:00h – 15:30h CEST/UTC+2

Conference Objective

Enhancing the skills and capacities for green jobs of youth is an enabler to achieve a just energy transition and an accelerator to achieve the 1.5oC scenario. Addressing the related capacities’ gaps and needs is crucial to maximize the transition’s positive impacts. The nexus of green skills and innovation-digitalization offers youth huge employment opportunities in line with the global climate goals. Investing in new green industries, renewable energies, green mobility, and climate-friendly solutions that create jobs and socioeconomic value needs to be twinned with the development of capacities and skills that ensure competitiveness and prosperity. The decarbonization of the economy and the transition to clean economic models offer unique opportunities for green job creation and social inclusion for youth.


Time Session Speaker
14:00-14:05 Introduction PCCB member (TBC)
14:05-14:20 Setting the scene ILO and YOUNGO
14:20-14:25 TVET perspective (TBC)
Student Energy/ UNDP Bangkok (TBC)
14:25-14:30 Education & Youth Leadership Lead Global Center on Adaptation
14:30-14:35 Private sector perspective – Energy sector Iberdrola
14:35-14:40 Private sector perspective – Transport sector EV/EV charging company (TBC Tesla, Wallbox)
14:40-14:45 The example of the Mediterranean region Union for the Mediterranean
14:45-15:25 Exchange with all participants, discussion questions:

  • What opportunities does the green transition offer for youth? How can youth seize these opportunities?
  • What are the existing capacities’ gaps and needs related to green jobs for youth? How can we address them?
  • What do the labor market/companies demand in terms of skills and capacities for green jobs?
  • How to integrate skills and capacities in education/training institutions to make green jobs attractive for young students?
  • How can capacities and skills for green jobs ensure competitiveness and the transition to a decarbonized economy and society?
Interventions from the audience to start the debate:

  • Oxygenate Environmental Consultants LLC
  • TBC


15:25-15:30 Closing Iberdrola

For more information Visit the official link here

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