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Information Technology Excellence Scholarship | Australia

Information Technology Excellence Scholarship | Australia

Information Technology Excellence Scholarship | Australia: You may be eligible for this scholarship if you are a high-achieving student intending to undertake a single or double degree at the Monash Faculty of Information Technology. You must obtain a minimum ATAR of 95.00, or a Weighted Average Mark of 80 for a diploma-level qualification.

Scholarship Brief Details:

Information Technology Excellence Scholarship Eligibility

You must be one of the following:

  • An Australian citizen
  • A New Zealand citizen
  • Australian permanent resident
  • Australian humanitarian visa holder

You must meet the following criteria:

  • Studying Australian Year 12 or IB in the year prior to commencing, or a student applying from a TAFE institution
  • Minimum ATAR of 95.00 (eligible TAFE students must have a minimum of a High Distinction GPA or Weighted Average Mark (WAM) of 80 per cent for a Diploma-level qualification)
  • Intending to enrol in a single or double degree offered by the Faculty of Information Technology

Benefits of Information Technology Excellence Scholarship

  • $6000 per annum (48 credit points of study) until the minimum points for your degree are completed, to a maximum of four years.

Number offered

Variable (Depending on funding)

Selection criteria

Awarded to the highest achieving eligible students.

To retain this scholarship:

You must maintain a minimum of a distinction average (70% or above).

How to apply

  • No application is required. All eligible students who apply will be automatically assessed.
  • This scholarship can be deferred.

Every scholarship may have a different application process – or none at all. Read the application details carefully and submit your application by the deadline. For more details, visit our scholarships application page.

Official Website

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